Monday, May 4, 2020

Various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm? Answer: Introduction The scenario discussed in this report is discussion between Program Director and Project Manager for early launch of project. The scenario is described through Doing Ethics Technique (DET) as given below. Q1. What's going on? Solution: The Program Director discusses with the Program Manager about the early launch of Willis project. The Program Director wants Project management to launch the project early as CIA was asked to deliver the project early due to pressure from CEO (Al-Saggaf, 2016). The Program Director asks Program Manager to deliver the project without encryption so that they could deliver the project early. The Program Director proposes offers to Program Manager for doing the work. However, the Program Manager is not convinced due to major consequences of delivery of project without encryption. Q2. What are the facts? Solution: The facts that come up in this discussion are the reasons of delivering the project early. The reasons are that CIA is under extensive pressure from the CEO. The CEO is worried because Willis may not sign the next assignment which costs above three million. This shows that the actual fact is losing of next contract of worth 3 million from Willis. This is the reason the Program Director is also under pressure and wants Program Manager to deliver the project early. Q3. What are the issues? Solution: The issues in this scenario are the consequences of delivering the project without encryption. The delivery of project without encryption will pose some ethical and security issues that can be severe. The project can also be prone to get hacked. The encryption of any project is necessary to prevent it from being hacked (Kerzner Kerzner, 2017). The encryption is used to encode information in a way that it can only be accessed and read by authorized parties or entities. There are chances where information transfer can be broken in between and result in loss of information or modified information. The hackers are always ready to attack on systems that are not encrypted. The encryption will ensure verified and authorized use of information within a system (El-Abed Szewczyk, 2014). This is the importance of encryption which Program Director does not understand. The Program Manager is worried for this issue that can arise without encryption in the project. Q4. Who is affected? Solution: The project without encryption will affect the users and the company. The company will get affected the most as their sensitive data in the delivered project can be attacked by the hacker and thus misused (Pinto, 2015). The users who are related with the company can also become the victim where they may get breached and their data will release in public. The users sensitive data such as their bank accounting details or personal details will be misused in various ways. Q5. What are the ethical issues and their implications? Solution: The ethical issues related to early delivery of project without encryption are that it will pose a threat to the company. The three major ethical issues posed due to the delivery of project without encryption are data breach, data modification, data protection and access controls. The other major ethical issue is long-term resiliency. The data breach will severely affect the company by losing the data to the attackers. The modification of data may affect data loss where actual data may be modified with the fake data. The system without encryption may also give hackers the advantage of gaining full access controls of the system. The management of information can also be misused by the internal workforce is not handled properly. The ethical issue related to the discussion between Program Director and Program Manager is that Program Manager or Program Director can face legal issues if Willis files case against the company (Schwalbe, 2015). Willis may allege in future that the company has betrayed him by providing an unsafe project that can be attacked in present or future. The implications are huge where the company may face great lose and position in the market. The company may also face certain legal accusations by Willis Company. Q6. What could have been done about it? Solution: The Program Director should have understood the problem and tried to convince CIA to further convince CEO about the consequences of the early delivery of project without encryption. The Project Director could have talked personally to the higher authority by including the Program Manager and the team in the discussion of the consequences (Shmueli et al., 2014). The situation could be handled if the higher authority has undertaken the opinions and view of the developer team. Q7. What are the options? Solution: The options for the scenario of delivering the project without encryption are described in the given below paragraph. The below are the possible options that can be considered in this scenario. The first option is to Program Director pressurize Program Manager and he listens to the Program Manager. The second option is that Program Director ignores the recommendations proposed by the Program Manager. The third option is Program Director listen the developer team. Q8. Which option is the best and why? Solution: The third option is the best option because of the following points. Program Director listens to the developing team regarding the delivery of project without encryption (Jalhotra, Kumar Aggarwal, 2017). This option can be best applied as the project delivery to a company is a big responsibility. This is because if there is any missing point or feature then it will severely affect the company. The developers are not only money minded. They respect values and opinions in their work environment (Gong et al., 2017). Hence they do not want that their company get in any type of problem. The developers are also focused in their work hence they may not want to deliver the project without any missing functionality. The Program Director if listens to the developer team then he can understand that there are many problems that can emerge if the project is delivered without encryption. Therefore, this option is best for this ethically questionable scenario. References Al-Saggaf, Y. (2016).Scenario 3: Early Launch. Retrieved from El-Abed, J., Szewczyk, P. (2014). Persistent issues in encryption software: A heuristic and cognitive walkthrough. Gong, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, W., Li, X., Wang, X., Pan, W. (2017, April). The application of data encryption technology in computer network communication security. InAIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 1834, No. 1, p. 040027). AIP Publishing. Jalhotra, D., Kumar, P., Aggarwal, S. (2017). A Review on Cloud Security and its Issues using various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm.International Journal,8(5). Kerzner, H., Kerzner, H. R. (2017).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Pinto, J. K. (2015).Project management: achieving competitive advantage. Prentice Hall. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Shmueli, E., Vaisenberg, R., Gudes, E., Elovici, Y. (2014). Implementing a database encryption solution, design and implementation issues.Computers security,44, 33-50.

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