Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Social Media Marketing Wikipedia - 1120 Words

Lyu Meizhen Dr. Mina English 108 6 November 2014 Social Media Marketing According to Wikipedia, Social media marketing is a term which describes â€Å"the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites (Wikipedia).† These kinds of promoting tactics are getting more and more popular and effective in this technology driven world, it is easier for a business company to determine where the potential customers are and easily attract their eyes through social media. It also saves more money compare to the traditional advertising methods. As the technology develops, social media is getting much more impressive to make people interact and chat with each other, and share information as well. For a business company, it is†¦show more content†¦According to a survey on comScore, a leading company for digital business analytics, â€Å"Facebook captures 14.6% of Internet users time compared to a combined 2% for all other social networking sites. Facebook also captures 16% of all page views. †It is such an impressive percentage of mindshare apparently, so it will definitely attract more and more potential customers and this will be one of the greatest benefits for a business to promote things on social media. For example, Facebook will display some suggested pages based on your friend’s likes and your own interests and demographics, so even though there are tons of pages, marketers can accurately target the right people with the right page. For me personally, I did benefit from social media marketing. I remembered one time I went to Facebook as usual; it displayed Target as a suggested page to me, because one third of my friends have liked the page. And then I clicked the page, I saw so many different kinds of information which include new arrivals, discount information, trade-in details, hiring information, etc. As a huge fan of country music, one post suddenly caught my attention, a new album from one of my favorite country music duo: Florida Georgia Line just came out, and they had it in the store already. Pre-ordering the album online can get 3 extra songs and free shipping for a limited time. I ordered immediately online,

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