Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Technology and Television Essay Example For Students

Innovation and Television Essay Innovation has made numerous beneficial things for humankind, for example, remedies for illnesses,ways to make transportation quicker and numerous different things. However innovation has additionally doneharm to human culture, and it is effortlessly spread to numerous individuals everywhere throughout the world. Thisdark side is correspondence, either by TV or radio, viciousness is spread regular. Themost influenced are youngsters since they are youthful, effortlessly convinced and their innocencecan not separate good and bad. Youngsters will in general consider viciousness to be a clever factor andpractice it at home as well as in different spots like school, play areas and stores. Kids are bound to be influenced via animation brutality. This is on the grounds that in acartoon a character can without much of a stretch be wrecked and resuscitated five minutes after the fact with no seriousinjury. In addition to the fact that children think this is entertaining, however think it is genuine in light of the fact that nobody tellsthem that it is pretend. Reports state this may make kids carry out seriouscrimes in light of the fact that their is next to zero outcome. (Official AAP site pg. 1) Violence iswhat sells nowadays from consistently kid's shows like Power Rangers to Pokemon, each showcontains somebody being truly harmed and in seconds being restored. Systems shouldexplain to kids that the demonstrations of viciousness are made up: in a fun and straightforward way that theyTelevision brutality prompts numerous issues. CYFC expressed in an article that Justas youngsters gain from their family they likewise gain from their superheroes. (Official CYFCWebpage pg. 1) kids will in general become either warriors or casualties and may empower orprovoke battles among companions. Numerous schools started to boycott Pokemon exchanging cards notonly in light of the fact that youngsters didn't focus in class, but since they would battle one another for the cards. This sort of brutality is empowered by plugs in such a case that a childdoes not have the item they are not cool or part of the gathering. Additionally the more a childsees brutal demonstrations of wrongdoing the more they become invulnerable to it. For instance a youngster willlose all feelings and will have no compassion to the survivors of wrongdoing. They may likewise thinkthat it is entertaining and snicker at individuals similarly as they would on the off chance that they were watchingViolence isn't just in kid's shows it is additionally in motion pictures like Austin Powers the SpyWho Shagged Me. The name itself has a shrouded meaning, the word shagged is notappropriate. Their the sli ghtest bit in the film that shows a lady being shot, exploded with abazooka, and tossed out a window. When the bit is over Austin asks her for what good reason dont youwant to pass on? Another piece shows a rocket looking like the male genitalia and is thendescribed in numerous structures. A kid may see their folks snicker and rehash these words in aplace where they ought not be spoken. Consider the possibility that the youngster finds a weapon in their parentsdrawers and chooses to shoot their sibling or sister. No longer would it be clever and thechild may become damaged. Guardians, not just the systems, should take the time toexplain to their youngsters that it is just pretend. This can forestall an awful accidentfrom ever happening, since now a youngster knows better. We will compose a custom article on Technology and Television explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Brutality isn't just on TV it is likewise on the radio and the music individuals liketo hear. Numerous tunes depict ladies as low animals that are beaten by their pimps orhow medications, liquor and firearms are cool and tackle each issue. their are times when aperson turns on the radio and doesn't see what the verses mean. While the music is ona youngster can be tuning in and gradually will start to disentangle what the vocalist is inferring. Asthe Child starts to understand what the artist implies they may wind up practicingwhat their good examples sing. They may utilize medicates or submit demonstrations of viciousness since thesingers do it in their melodies. Before a parent even acknowledges what has happened their childmight have become a hazard to society. .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .postImageUrl , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:hover , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:visited , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:active { border:0!important; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:active , .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue24ae93b23222 d8c049d1bdb87ad058e .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue24ae93b23222d8c049d1bdb87ad058e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Grand Slam Record! EssayAnother reason that detestable and savagery is spread so effectively through TV andradio is on the grounds that all the viciousness is defended. This implies all the battling is done in thename of equity and great at the end of the day great versus evil.(Official EdmontonjournalWebpage) according to kids thrashing others is good as long as the otherchild accomplished something incorrectly. In spite of the fact that it isn't right a kid feels brilliance and satisfaction becausethey are doing what their rough superheroes would do. innovation has helped the world yet has it done damage to the blameless personalities of thechildren. Numerous gatherings and studies like CYFC, state indeed, and have utilized innovation tocreate article, for example, the V-chip to direct the measure of savagery a kid sees ontelevision. Despite the fact that a grown-up can recognize the distinction between genuine viciousness andfake brutality a youngster can not and their honesty ought not be underestimated. Notonly are they darkening the psyches of the youngsters they may help make vicious membersof society if not adjusted. This doesn't imply that a kid ought to abandon televisionradio yet that a parent ought to be progressively mindful and control what their kids watch. The Changing Face of T.V. Brutality. Diary Extra. 14 Jan. 1998. http://www.edmontonjournal.comMedia Violence and Media Literacy. American Academyof Pediatrics. 23 Nov 1999. healthmonth/media.htmT.V. Brutality and what can Parents Do. CYFC. 23 Nov 1999. Changing Face of T.V. Brutality. Diary Extra. 14 Jan. 1998. Violence and Media Literacy. American Academyof Pediatrics. 23 Nov 1999. healthmonth/media.htmT.V. Brutality and what can Parents Do. CYFC. 23 Nov 1999.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Classification of My Classmates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characterization of My Classmates - Essay Example The understudies in the classification here and there may drop out of school and seldom make it official. In any case, there is likewise a gathering that reliably goes to classes yet don't achieve great scores. This gathering falls flat since they don't put consideration regarding what is being educated or don't change their work or do their assignments truly. The inquiry we may pose, are underachievers normally having low accomplishment limit? To me, it is a major no. This is on the grounds that to enter in school there are least capabilities that must be accomplished, you can't achieve this score on the off chance that you don't can possibly succeed. Underachievement result from lost needs or being in an inappropriate course. A few understudies end up in courses that they don't care for due to pressures from guardians or family members. This gathering feels dampened in light of the fact that envision Engineer seating in a medication class! To him, everything that is instructed here looks bad to him. This causes him to lose inspiration and assurance. There are likewise those whose needs are lost; they take additional time in amusement and extremely insignificant time in scholarly work. A large portion of their time is spent either in bars drinking or making a trip to visit loved ones. I can say a large portion of these partners are skilled underachievers that Kim (234) is discussing. The subsequent class is that of normal achievers. Understudies in this classification are simply resolved to finish their courses and escape school. For the most part, they study in view of assessments and tests. They go to exercises not on the grounds that they like but since they realize their prosperity is attached to the substance of talks. On the off chance that an open door benefits itself they don't go to addresses. Those in this class don't battle to get exceptionally good grades yet simply battle to get normal imprints. This is the gathering instructors target when persuading understudies to endeavor to get high scores. They generally submit their assignments just in time.â Â Â â

Monday, August 17, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages Community Policing Strategies Coursework

Advantages and Disadvantages Community Policing Strategies Coursework Advantages and Disadvantages Community Policing Strategies â€" Coursework Example > The paper “ Advantages and Disadvantages Community Policing Strategies” is a thoughtful example of coursework on social science. The term community policing can be defined in many ways, but it refers to a strategy whereby the police work together with the people in a local community in combating crime. With the increased levels of crime and the need for a safer society, police forces in different countries had to adopt efficient methods and activities in policing thus the concept of developing partnerships with communities in which they work led to community policing. Police activities in many countries operate under different environments and as a result, they are used to serving the ideologies of their governments (Gutierrez 2003). The important roles the police play in the society make them interact with citizens in the community; recently there have been increased calls for the police to reform their operations due to general disappointment in the way they operate. Communi ty policing in spirit is the alliance between the community and the police in identifying and solving social problems such as crime and security. For the strategy to work it requires a high level of trust between the police and the community, also community policing requires the support of all stakeholders in the society with main support coming from the government and the citizens (Wisler 2009). Advantages and Disadvantages of community policingOne of the advantages of community policing is its collaboration with the local community and hence making the law enforcement process much simpler and efficient. The interaction of the police with the community makes the flow of useful information easy and thus fighting crime relatively easier. The major weakness of this system comes when the police officer in a particular community are forced to that work where they are not welcome by the residents. The corrupt recruitment process also has a negative impact on community policing (Brogden 2005). Community policing strategiesThe implementation of police procedures differs from countries and societies; this is due to the dynamics of different societies and the makeup of different governments (Brogden 2005). Different police procedures have been used in the implementation of community policing but the concept of community policing has been recognized as the best practice in the implementation of police reforms. Factors that have had a positive impact on the policing concepts used in community policing include, the existence of trust between the police and the community. Trust is essential in building a community policing strategy since trust ensures the police are aware that they have the support of the community and the community recognizes the efforts of the police as genuine and to the interest of the community (Wisler 2009). Working conditions of the police have an effect on the implementation of community policing in that the police must be motivated and be paid good salaries for them to implement community policing, this will make them more committed to their duties as law enforcers.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Government Sales and Auctions

What does the U.S. government have going for it when it comes to public sales and auctions? Diversity. From Treasury bills to wild horses and houses, you name it and a government agency probably sells it.Best of all from the consumers standpoint, the government is not out to make a profit, so most items are sold at or below cost or fair market value.Plus, purchasing from the government helps to defer ​the  cost of running the government, which saves taxpayers dollars. Personal Property Sales Some of the best buys available can be found in government sales of personal property. Boats, cars, planes, jewelry, mineral rights, animals and more. Be sure to visit the GSAs Auction SuperSite. Auto Sales Its easy and economical to purchase a pre-owned vehicle from the U.S. government. Join the thousands of people who buy at government auto auctions. Real Property/Real Estate Houses, land, apartments and commercial buildings, farms and ranches. Includes links to information on buying homes from HUD. Into the money market? Financial Assets Treasury bonds, savings bonds, securities, etc. Miscellaneous Sales and Auctions Stamps, coins, jewelry, collectables, souvenirs and more. Buying Advice Before you whip out the plastic, there are  some important basic tips and information you need to know about buying merchandise or property in government sales and auctions: Guide to Federal Government Sales This document from the General Services Agency (GSA) delivers the factual information you need to participate in the Federal Government’s various sales and auction programs. It also helps combat the many misleading advertisements that offer to sell consumers inside information about Federal Government sales and auctions. Buying Raw Land As the Interior Department says, homesteading is a thing of the past, and you will not find free land or land for A-Dollar-an-Acre, but the federal government does sell land. Lands identified as excess to the publics and Governments needs or more suited to private ownership are sometimes offered for sale. The federal lands sold by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are generally unimproved rural woodland, grassland or desert parcels located mostly in the western states. The parcels are typically not served by utilities like electricity, water or sewer, and may not be accessible by maintained roads. In other words, the parcels for sale are truly â€Å"in the middle of nowhere.† Buying Used Government Property When items are no longer needed by the federal government, The General Services Administration (GSA) stretches your tax dollar by offering them for sale to the public. GSA sells a wide variety of items that would interest both individuals and businesses. Look here for details and addresses of GSA sales facilities across the nation. How to Buy Surplus Military Property Various commercial firms sell literature regarding the sale of Department of Defense (DoD) property and/or advertise sales of DoD property, and suggest that DoD sells real estate, jeeps, confiscated and seized properly. DoD does not sell these items. The type of property DoD does sell, how it may be purchased is explained in this pamphlet.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Social Media Marketing Wikipedia - 1120 Words

Lyu Meizhen Dr. Mina English 108 6 November 2014 Social Media Marketing According to Wikipedia, Social media marketing is a term which describes â€Å"the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites (Wikipedia).† These kinds of promoting tactics are getting more and more popular and effective in this technology driven world, it is easier for a business company to determine where the potential customers are and easily attract their eyes through social media. It also saves more money compare to the traditional advertising methods. As the technology develops, social media is getting much more impressive to make people interact and chat with each other, and share information as well. For a business company, it is†¦show more content†¦According to a survey on comScore, a leading company for digital business analytics, â€Å"Facebook captures 14.6% of Internet users time compared to a combined 2% for all other social networking sites. Facebook also captures 16% of all page views. †It is such an impressive percentage of mindshare apparently, so it will definitely attract more and more potential customers and this will be one of the greatest benefits for a business to promote things on social media. For example, Facebook will display some suggested pages based on your friend’s likes and your own interests and demographics, so even though there are tons of pages, marketers can accurately target the right people with the right page. For me personally, I did benefit from social media marketing. I remembered one time I went to Facebook as usual; it displayed Target as a suggested page to me, because one third of my friends have liked the page. And then I clicked the page, I saw so many different kinds of information which include new arrivals, discount information, trade-in details, hiring information, etc. As a huge fan of country music, one post suddenly caught my attention, a new album from one of my favorite country music duo: Florida Georgia Line just came out, and they had it in the store already. Pre-ordering the album online can get 3 extra songs and free shipping for a limited time. I ordered immediately online,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hero And The Crown Part Two Chapter 16 Free Essays

SHE COULD NOT THINK where she was when she awoke. She was sitting in a tall wooden chair, and a fire burned in a hearth not far from her outstretched feet; and she was in a hall so vast she could not see the ceiling. It was not until Luthe walked between her and the hearth, to lay another log on the fire, that she remembered all that had passed; and she sighed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hero And The Crown Part Two Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now He turned to her at once, his face still solemn and frowning. â€Å"Talat?† she said, as if he was always the first thing on her mind. Luthe, exasperated, said: â€Å"If you have so little faith in my ability to look after one fat, elderly, self-centered stallion, then I will show you proof.† He leaned over her again and picked her up, and strode out of the great grey hall. â€Å"I can walk,† said Aerin, with dignity. â€Å"No, you can’t,† said Luthe over the top of her head, â€Å"although at some date in the near future you will have the opportunity to relearn.† He set her down, finally, on her own feet, at the edge of a wide unfenced meadow; several brown cows grazed in it, and at its farthest edge she saw one or two deer raise their heads and look toward her; but they did not seem alarmed. Then she heard Talat’s great ringing neigh, and he galloped up to them, coming to a sliding halt at the last minute (Luthe muttered something that sounded like â€Å"Show-off†), and slobbered green and purple down her shirt. â€Å"Horses,† said Luthe with disgust; but she took a step away from his steadying hand to wrap an arm over Talat’s non-existent withers. â€Å"Here, then,† said Luthe. â€Å"You can be of some use.† He boosted her onto Talat’s well-rounded back and walked off. â€Å"This way,† he said over his shoulder, and Talat pricked his ears and followed docilely. But Luthe’s long legs covered the ground at a good pace, and Talat had to stretch himself to keep up, for he would lose his dignity if he broke into a trot; and so his ears eased half back in disapproval of so rude a speed. Aerin laughed her small half-laugh, that she would not cough. They came soon to the edge of a wide silver lake. Aerin blinked her dim eyes, for it was hard to determine where the land ended and the water began; the stones of the shore were a barely flatter, duller grey than the water’s gleaming surface. Talat stopped when his hoofs crunched on pebbles; it was the worst sort of footing for a horse with an unreliable leg. Luthe continued to the very edge of the water, and as he stopped just before he got his feet wet, the water gave a sudden little gloop and ripple, and a small outthrust finger of water reached out and splashed his toes. Luthe muttered something under his breath and the water replied by hunching itself up into ridges, and several tiny wave-edges crept humbly up the shoreline, but none quite touched his feet. â€Å"Here,† called Luthe. She slid off Talat’s back, but found within two steps that Luthe had been right, she really couldn’t walk. She sank down where she had been standing, and Talat crunched up beside her and lowered his nose for her hand, his ears saying anxiously, â€Å"It’s all my fault – I don’t really mind these wretched small stones – do please stand up again and I’ll carry you.† Then Luthe was kneeling beside her, and he lifted her in his arms again; his hands were wet to the elbows. He set her down, carefully, by the lake’s edge, and the water shouldered up in small ripples again, and flung itself up the stones toward her as if curious; but it did not quite touch her. Luthe dipped his hands into the water again, and held the leaky cup to her lips. â€Å"Drink,† he said. â€Å"Is this another sleeping draught?† she said, trying to smile; but he only looked sad and grim. â€Å"No,† he said. The water dripped on her leg, and its touch through the cloth was somehow personal, soothing like the hand of a friend. She drank awkwardly, over his thumb, and the water was silver, almost white, even against Luthe’s pale skin; and it was faintly sweet, and cold, and wild, somehow, wild with a wildness she could not put a name to beyond just that: wild. It seemed to course down her throat of its own volition, and foam up in her stomach. She looked up and met Luthe’s blue frowning gaze as he bowed over her and his cupped hands. She said, â€Å"What is – ? Not water,† and then he and the lake and the taste of the water on her tongue disappeared; but just before her mind spiraled away after them she felt hands clamp on her shoulders, wet hands, for she could feel the damp through her sleeves, and these hands dragged her to her feet, â€Å"Aerin,† came a voice from very far away, and then she no longer had feet, or ears either. Aerin. Her lungs were on fire like a swimmer’s too far underwater, and she clawed her way toward the surface, and toward the voice that still called her name; and it seemed that her face broke the surface of the water which held her, and for a moment she lay gasping. The voice again. Aerin. She opened her eyes, and she was not on the shores of a silver lake, though a tall man stood before her, calling her name, and offering her a goblet. Drink, he said. She reached to take the goblet; reached out to take it with her left hand, and noticed with mild surprise that the arm was unscarred and strong. Ah, she thought wisely, I am dreaming again; but she paused before she took the goblet, and looked around her. She stood in a wide chamber that at first she thought was round, till she realized the walls were straight, but that there were five of them. She looked up, and there was a heavy weight of bound hair on her head, and this preoccupied her, so she did not examine the strange clawed creatures that writhed, black and red and yellow, against that ceiling. She lowered her head again, puzzled, for she had never been in this room before, and yet its red walls seemed familiar to her. Drink, said the man again, and his voice was impatient. Drink. The goblet in his outstretched hand trembled very slightly, and she wondered why he was so eager for her to take the cup. She tried to look up into his face, but he wore a cloak with a hood, a red cloak, so bright that it hurt the eyes, and the hood was so deep she could not see the face within it. Drink, he said, half mad with impatience, and it occurred to her at last that this was not Luthe she stood before. Drink. Then she looked again at her left hand and arm, and she thought calmly. That is not my hand; this one is smaller, and the fingers are more delicate than ever mine were. She withdrew the hand, and put it to her head, and pulled a wisp of her hair free, and held it before her eyes. It was the color it had used to be, before Maur burned it; but the hairs of it were finer. Aerin, said the red man; you shall take this, and drink it. In a voice not hers she replied: No. But the voice despaired and the red man heard the despair, and thrust the goblet at her the more eagerly, knowing that he would succeed. Drink. Slowly, hopelessly, her left hand reached out again, and took the goblet, and held it to her lips; but she did not taste what was within it, for she heard her name again, and paused. Aerin. This was not the red man’s voice, but another one, familiar to her. Aerin. The voice was Luthe’s voice, and frantic. The red man heard it too, and whirled around; the cloak spun on his shoulders, but still she saw nothing of his face. Luthe! he cried. You shall not have her! Luthe’s voice laughed weakly. No, I won’t; but I shall have the other one; you shall not have them both. Then there was a roaring around her, and it seemed that the red walls of the five-sided chamber were angry red mouths; but then the red faded to grayness, and yet still the roaring went on; and suddenly the grayness was the grayness of stone walls, not the pale stone of Luthe’s hall, but the grey and darker grey and dull red and black of her City; but before its walls lay a desert plain, empty and barren, and three of the four monoliths that marked the City gates lay on their sides, and she saw no folk anywhere. She opened her mouth to scream, but her mouth filled with silver water, and she choked, and struck out with her hands; and felt sunlight on her face. Next she realized that she had a stiff neck; and then found she was stiff all over, from lying on †¦ rocks. No wonder she hurt. The dreams faded under the onslaught of the physical discomfort. She bent an elbow to prop herself up on, and then thought to open her eyes first. Trees, blue sky. Stones. She pulled herself up on the elbow. Stones, trees, blue sky. Lake. Luthe. He sat up beside her. â€Å"Ack,† he said, and stretched cautiously. He was soaking wet; it occurred to her then that she was too, although they were some distance from the water’s edge – nearer, in fact, to the trees. Then there was a familiar stomp and whiffle behind her, and she reached up without looking to encounter Talat’s silky cheek. Luthe was getting to his feet; he looked as stiff as she felt. He watched her inscrutably as she staggered to her feet and stood beside him. The lake’s surface was smooth as glass. It was strangely silent where they stood; she heard nothing but the distant chirp of a bird and the occasional whisk of Talat’s tail. Nothing. â€Å"I can breathe,† she whispered. â€Å"Ah,† said Luthe. â€Å"Yes, I hoped for that.† Then the cacophony of her dreams rushed back. The red man she discarded, but – â€Å"My City – â€Å" Luthe’s inscrutable look settled over his face as if it was there for life. â€Å"Later.† â€Å"Later? The end of my land, my City, my people? Later?† My land, a far-off thought said to her mockingly. My City. My people. â€Å"Yes, later,† he said gruffly. â€Å"It hasn’t happened yet, and your destiny lies elsewhere.† She stood rooted to the ground, staring at him. â€Å"My destiny lies elsewhere,† she said in a high voice. â€Å"My destiny has always lain †¦ elsewhere.† His face softened. â€Å"Yes, that’s true, but not quite the way you think. Come. I’ll tell you what I can – of what you need to know. We’ll have to hope it’s enough.† â€Å"It will have to be enough,† she said fiercely, and as he looked into her eyes they were golden from the flames of her dreams; and he feared then for what he had done. â€Å"I had no choice,† he murmured to himself, but Aerin, still fierce in her fear, said, â€Å"I can’t hear you. What are you saying?† Luthe shook his head. â€Å"Nothing that will do you any service to hear. Come, then. What has happened to you is not all bad.† How to cite The Hero And The Crown Part Two Chapter 16, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm? Answer: Introduction The scenario discussed in this report is discussion between Program Director and Project Manager for early launch of project. The scenario is described through Doing Ethics Technique (DET) as given below. Q1. What's going on? Solution: The Program Director discusses with the Program Manager about the early launch of Willis project. The Program Director wants Project management to launch the project early as CIA was asked to deliver the project early due to pressure from CEO (Al-Saggaf, 2016). The Program Director asks Program Manager to deliver the project without encryption so that they could deliver the project early. The Program Director proposes offers to Program Manager for doing the work. However, the Program Manager is not convinced due to major consequences of delivery of project without encryption. Q2. What are the facts? Solution: The facts that come up in this discussion are the reasons of delivering the project early. The reasons are that CIA is under extensive pressure from the CEO. The CEO is worried because Willis may not sign the next assignment which costs above three million. This shows that the actual fact is losing of next contract of worth 3 million from Willis. This is the reason the Program Director is also under pressure and wants Program Manager to deliver the project early. Q3. What are the issues? Solution: The issues in this scenario are the consequences of delivering the project without encryption. The delivery of project without encryption will pose some ethical and security issues that can be severe. The project can also be prone to get hacked. The encryption of any project is necessary to prevent it from being hacked (Kerzner Kerzner, 2017). The encryption is used to encode information in a way that it can only be accessed and read by authorized parties or entities. There are chances where information transfer can be broken in between and result in loss of information or modified information. The hackers are always ready to attack on systems that are not encrypted. The encryption will ensure verified and authorized use of information within a system (El-Abed Szewczyk, 2014). This is the importance of encryption which Program Director does not understand. The Program Manager is worried for this issue that can arise without encryption in the project. Q4. Who is affected? Solution: The project without encryption will affect the users and the company. The company will get affected the most as their sensitive data in the delivered project can be attacked by the hacker and thus misused (Pinto, 2015). The users who are related with the company can also become the victim where they may get breached and their data will release in public. The users sensitive data such as their bank accounting details or personal details will be misused in various ways. Q5. What are the ethical issues and their implications? Solution: The ethical issues related to early delivery of project without encryption are that it will pose a threat to the company. The three major ethical issues posed due to the delivery of project without encryption are data breach, data modification, data protection and access controls. The other major ethical issue is long-term resiliency. The data breach will severely affect the company by losing the data to the attackers. The modification of data may affect data loss where actual data may be modified with the fake data. The system without encryption may also give hackers the advantage of gaining full access controls of the system. The management of information can also be misused by the internal workforce is not handled properly. The ethical issue related to the discussion between Program Director and Program Manager is that Program Manager or Program Director can face legal issues if Willis files case against the company (Schwalbe, 2015). Willis may allege in future that the company has betrayed him by providing an unsafe project that can be attacked in present or future. The implications are huge where the company may face great lose and position in the market. The company may also face certain legal accusations by Willis Company. Q6. What could have been done about it? Solution: The Program Director should have understood the problem and tried to convince CIA to further convince CEO about the consequences of the early delivery of project without encryption. The Project Director could have talked personally to the higher authority by including the Program Manager and the team in the discussion of the consequences (Shmueli et al., 2014). The situation could be handled if the higher authority has undertaken the opinions and view of the developer team. Q7. What are the options? Solution: The options for the scenario of delivering the project without encryption are described in the given below paragraph. The below are the possible options that can be considered in this scenario. The first option is to Program Director pressurize Program Manager and he listens to the Program Manager. The second option is that Program Director ignores the recommendations proposed by the Program Manager. The third option is Program Director listen the developer team. Q8. Which option is the best and why? Solution: The third option is the best option because of the following points. Program Director listens to the developing team regarding the delivery of project without encryption (Jalhotra, Kumar Aggarwal, 2017). This option can be best applied as the project delivery to a company is a big responsibility. This is because if there is any missing point or feature then it will severely affect the company. The developers are not only money minded. They respect values and opinions in their work environment (Gong et al., 2017). Hence they do not want that their company get in any type of problem. The developers are also focused in their work hence they may not want to deliver the project without any missing functionality. The Program Director if listens to the developer team then he can understand that there are many problems that can emerge if the project is delivered without encryption. Therefore, this option is best for this ethically questionable scenario. References Al-Saggaf, Y. (2016).Scenario 3: Early Launch. Retrieved from El-Abed, J., Szewczyk, P. (2014). Persistent issues in encryption software: A heuristic and cognitive walkthrough. Gong, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, W., Li, X., Wang, X., Pan, W. (2017, April). The application of data encryption technology in computer network communication security. InAIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 1834, No. 1, p. 040027). AIP Publishing. Jalhotra, D., Kumar, P., Aggarwal, S. (2017). A Review on Cloud Security and its Issues using various Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm.International Journal,8(5). Kerzner, H., Kerzner, H. R. (2017).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Pinto, J. K. (2015).Project management: achieving competitive advantage. Prentice Hall. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Shmueli, E., Vaisenberg, R., Gudes, E., Elovici, Y. (2014). Implementing a database encryption solution, design and implementation issues.Computers security,44, 33-50.