Saturday, March 7, 2020

Battle of Champion Hill in the American Civil War

Battle of Champion Hill in the American Civil War   Battle of Champion Hill - Conflict Date: The Battle of Champion Hill was fought May 16, 1863, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General Ulysses S. Grant32,000 men Confederates Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton22,000 men Battle of Champion Hill - Background: In late 1862, Major General Ulysses S. Grant commenced efforts to capture the key Confederate fortress of Vicksburg, MS. Situated high on the bluffs above the Mississippi River, the town was critical to controlling the river below. After encountering numerous difficulties in approaching Vicksburg, Grant elected to move south through Louisiana and cross the river below the town. He was assisted in this plan by Rear Admiral David D. Porters flotilla of gunboats. On April 30, 1863, Grants Army of the Tennessee began moving across the Mississippi at Bruinsburg, MS. Brushing aside Confederate forces at Port Gibson, Grant drove inland. With Union troops to the south, the Confederate commander at Vicksburg, Lieutenant General John Pemberton, began organizing a defense outside of the city and calling for reinforcements from General Joseph E. Johnston. The majority of these were sent to Jackson, MS though their travel to the city was slowed by damage inflicted to the railroads by Colonel Benjamin Griersons cavalry raid in April. With Grant pushing northeast, Pemberton anticipated that  Union troops  would drive directly on Vicksburg and began withdrawing back towards the city. Able to keep the enemy off balance, Grant instead attacked towards  Jackson with the goal of  cutting the Southern Railroad which connected the two cities. Covering his left flank with the  Big Black River, Grant pressed ahead with Major General James B. McPhersons XVII Corps on the right and issued orders for it  to proceed through Raymond to strike the railroad at Bolton. To McPhersons left, Major General John McClernands XIII Corps was to sever the Southern at Edwards while Major General William T. Shermans XV Corps was to attack between Edwards and Bolton at Midway (Map). On May 12, McPherson defeated some of the reinforcements from Jackson at the Battle of Raymond. Two days later, Sherman drove Johnstons men from Jackson and captured the city.   Retreating, Johnston instructed Pemberton to attack Grants rear. Believing this plan to  be  too dangerous and that it risked leaving Vicksburg uncovered, he instead marched against Union supply trains moving between Grand Gulf  and Raymond.   Johnston reiterated his order on May 16 leading Pemberton to plan a countermarch northeast  towards Clinton.  Ã‚  Having cleared his rear, Grant turned west to deal with Pemberton and begin the drive against  Vicksburg.   This saw McPherson  advance in the north, McClernand in the south,  while Sherman, having completed operations at  Jackson, brought  up the rear. Battle of Champion Hill - Contact:   As Pemberton contemplated his orders on the morning of May 16, his army was strung out along the Ratliff Road from its intersection with the Jackson and Middle Roads south to where it crossed the Raymond Road.   This saw Major General Carter Stevensons division  at the northern end of the line, Brigadier General John S. Bowens in the middle, and Major General William Lorings in the south.   Early in the day, Confederate cavalry encountered Union pickets from Brigadier General A.J. Smiths division from McClernands XIII Corps near a roadblock Loring had  erected on the Raymond Road.   Learning of this, Pemberton instructed Loring to hold off the enemy while the army commenced its march towards Clinton (Map). Hearing the firing, Brigadier General Stephen D. Lee of Stevensons division, became concerned about a potential threat up the Jackson Road to the northeast.   Sending forward scouts, he deployed his brigade on nearby Champion Hill as a precaution.   Shortly  after assuming this position, Union forces were spotted advancing down the road.   These were  the men of Brigadier General Alvin P. Hoveys Division, XIII Corps.   Seeing the danger, Lee  informed Stevenson who dispatched Brigadier General Alfred Cummings brigade to  form on Lees right.   To the south,  Loring formed his  division behind Jackson Creek and turned back an initial attack by Smiths division.   This done, he assumed a stronger position on a ridge near the Coker House. Battle of Champion Hill - Ebb and Flow: Reaching the Champion House, Hovey spotted the Confederates on his front.   Sending forward the brigades of Brigadier General George McInnis and Colonel James Slack, his forces began engaging Stevensons division.   Slightly to the south, a third Union column, led by Brigadier General Peter Osterhaus XIII Corps division approached the field on the  Middle Road  but halted when it encountered a Confederate roadblock.   As Hoveys men prepared to attack, they were reinforced by Major General John A. Logans Division from XVII Corps.   Forming on Hoveys right, Logans men were moving into position when Grant arrived around 10:30 AM.   Ordering Hoveys men to attack, the two brigades began advancing.   Seeing that Stevensons left flank was in the air, Logan directed Brigadier General John D. Stevensons brigade to strike this area.   The Confederate position was saved as Stevenson rushed Brigadier General Seth Bartons men to the left.   Barely arriving in time, they succeed ed covering the Confederate flank (Map). Slamming into Stevensons lines, McInnis and Slacks men began push the Confederates back.   With situation deteriorating, Pemberton directed Bowen and Loring to bring up their divisions.   As time passed and no troops appeared, a concerned  Pemberton began riding south and rushed forward Colonel Francis Cockrell and Brigadier General Martin Greens brigades from Bowens Division.   Arriving on Stevensons right, they struck Hoveys men and began driving them back  over Champion Hill.   In a desperate situation, Hoveys men were saved by the arrival of Colonel George B. Boomers  brigade of  Brigadier General Marcellus Crockers division  which helped stabilize their line.   As the rest of Crockers division, the brigades of Colonels Samuel A. Holmes and John B. Sanborn, joined the fray, Hovey rallied his men and the combined force counterattacked. Battle of Champion Hill -  Victory Achieved: As the line in the north began to waver, Pemberton became increasingly irate at Lorings inaction.   Possessing a deep personal dislike of Pemberton, Loring had realigned his division but had done nothing to shift men toward the fighting.   Committing Logans men to fight, Grant began to overwhelm Stevensons position.   The Confederate right broke first and was followed by Lees men.   Storming forward, Union forces captured the entire 46th Alabama.   To further worsen Pembertons situation, Osterhaus renewed his advance on the Middle Road.   Livid, the Confederate commander rode off in search of Loring.   Encountering Brigadier General Abraham Bufords brigade, he rushed it forward. As he returned to his headquarters, Pemberton learned that Stevenson and Bowens lines had been shattered.   Seeing no alternative, he ordered a general retreat south to the Raymond Road and west to a bridge over Bakers Creek.   While beaten troops flowed southwest, Smiths artillery opened on Brigadier General Lloyd Tilghmans brigade which was still  blocking the Raymond Road.   In the exchange, the  Confederate commander was killed.   Retreating to  Raymond Road, Lorings men  attempted to follow Stevenson and Bowens divisions over the Bakers Creek Bridge.   They were prevented from doing  so by Union brigade that had crossed upstream and had turned south in an attempt to cut off the Confederate retreat.   As a result, Lorings Division moved south before circling around Grant to reach Jackson.   Fleeing the field, Stevenson and Bowens divisions made for defenses along the Big Black River. Battle of Champion Hill - Aftermath: The bloodiest engagement of the campaign to reach Vicksburg, the Battle of Champion Hill saw Grant suffer 410 killed, 1,844 wounded, and 187 missing/captured while Pemberton incurred 381 killed, 1,018 wounded, and 2,441 missing/captured.   A key moment in the  Vicksburg Campaign, the victory ensured that Pemberton and Johnston would not be able to unite.  Ã‚  Forced  to  begin falling back towards the city, Pemberton and Vicksburgs fate were essentially sealed.   Conversely, having been defeated, Pemberton  and Johnston failed to  isolate Grant in central  Mississippi, cut off his supply lines to the river, and win a key victory for the Confederacy.  Ã‚  In the wake of the battle, Grant was critical of McClernands inaction.  Ã‚  He firmly believed that had XIII Corps attacked with vigor, Pembertons army could have been destroyed and the  Siege of Vicksburg avoided.   After spending the night at Champion Hill,  Grant continued his pursuit the next day and w on another victory at the Battle of Big Black River  Bridge.    Selected Sources: Civil War Trust: Battle of Champion HillBattle of Champion HillCWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Champion Hill

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