Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Should Homosexuals Be Allowed Adopt - 1512 Words

Teirra Thomas Professor Parks ENG 101, Documented Research Paper 18 November 2014 Should Homosexuals be allowed to Adopt Did you know that Florida absolutely bans homosexuals to adopt children? Over a million people in the United States disagree on same sex marriage. If they disagree with same sex marriage what about when homosexuals want to adopt children. In my opinion it is great that homosexuals want to adopt children, because it is not about who they are being raised by. It is all about if the children are being raised with two parents that love and care about them. If someone does not allow a child to be adopted by an homosexual couple it is discrimination. I think everyone should have a family that they care, love, and will cherish for the rest of their lives. In May of 2012, Obama stated that ‘he believes same-sex couples in all 50 states should be allowed to marry under the equal protection clause of the Constitution (Lavender).’ The federal government have expand some federal benefits in states that legalized same sex marriage. If same sex couples can get married then they shoul d be able to adopt, and conceive children just like any regular couples. Homosexuals can be good parents just like heterosexual couples can. Homosexuals can give their children love and take care of them like a regular marriage heterosexual couple. I believe that same sex couples should have equal rights to adopt just as a heterosexual couples. In 2012, approximately 110,000 childrenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Why should Homosexuals be allowed to Adopt.2042 Words   |  9 PagesSeveral people are opposed to the idea of homosexuals adopting. Nonetheless, homosexuals have an abundance of privileges as many other couples do. Sexual orientation doesn’t have any relevance on your entitlement to adoption. Families are usually the central source of socialization. When we define the word family, a numerous of people would include a mother, father, and at best two children, possibly one child. Truly speaking of a nuclear family, but realistically families take different appearancesRead MoreEssay on Should Homosexual Couples Be Allowed to Adopt Children?702 Words   |  3 PagesOne of the issues that are argued everywhere in the United States of America the most today is whether gay or lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children. People have different opinions on this kind of issue because some may think, for instance, that child who is raised by gay parents will turn out gay, and so on. However, people forget about childrens happiness although they believe that children will be happier with straight and normal people. Who said so? Why do peopleRead MoreGay Couples Adopting1042 Words   |  5 PagesHomosexuals must be allowed to adopt children just like any other couple who want to do the same thing. A child needs love, respect and a home in which they can assure themselves that there will be someone there to care for them. As in the example, there is no need for a dad and a mom who will always be arguing about the shared custody. Just because their parents are homosexuals does not mean that the child will grow up to be the same. Everyone is different and will grow up to be what they want toRead MoreGay Parenting Essay939 Words   |  4 Pagesmore people with each passing moment. Although homosexual marriage is not allowed in some states, the anatomy of the person, whether male or female, hardly allows them to reproduce without sperm or ovaries. Since gays are not capable of reproducing, then adoption is their next option or sperm donors. The big controversy is wh ether or not homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children or whether the â€Å"step-parent,† which is actually the co-partner, can adopt the birth mother’s child. Adoption is anotherRead MoreGay Adoption Should Be Legal1355 Words   |  6 Pagesfamilies in need to adopt a child in need of a loving family. Many people have had a great ending with adoptions. The families who have adopted have left and created many loving families out there, but now that same sex-couples want to adopt children adoption has becomes very brutal. Same sex-couples are having trouble to get their marriage right now states are banning adoption rights. Although gay adoption could negatively impact the child s life, gay adoption should be allowed and enforced in everyRead MoreShould Homosexuals Have The Same Rights?1106 Words   |  5 PagesShould homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals? Regardless of same sex marriage being legal in America, homosexuals have fewer rights than hete rosexuals. All people deserve to obtain the same rights and respect regardless of who they choose to love. People are getting disrespected and mistreated all over America, because of which sex they choose to marry. Whether or not one agrees with a person’s sexual orientation or not, it does not give them a right to disrespect and mistreat them. Read MoreGays Should Have A Positive Impact On A Child s Life1441 Words   |  6 Pagesevolving for Homosexuals and their rights. Every child in foster care, and adoption agencies deserve to have a family regardless of the parents Sexual orientation. The United States is considered a liberal country if that is so, then homosexuals should have the right to adopt a child in the United States. Homosexuals adopting will have a positive impact on a child s life. The child will finally have a stable home and family to grow up in. The article mentions how children adopted by homosexuals are mentallyRead MoreShould Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed to Adopt? Essays838 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexual people have faced many trials and tribulations in pursuit of living a normal and happy life. There are many controversial events and topics that are barriers blocking complete happiness. Although those barriers are in place, the people in the LGBT subculture seem to making the best of every situation. Fighting for their rights and changing laws to protect them are paving the way for a brighter future. In hopes of being normal, many same-sex couples want to have a family and for some theRead MoreShould Same Sex Couples Be Allowed to Adopt?954 Words   |  4 Pages2/8/13 Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed To Adopt? As time progresses societies view on certain subjects has become more lenient. One thing that still can cause an uproar seems to be what women decide to do with their children once they become pregnant, whether it be abortion or adoption. Even more controversial on the latter subject seems to be who can and cannot adopt children who are being put up for adoption. This leads to the topic of the argument, should same sex couples be allowed to adoptRead MoreEssay on Same-Sex Parenting1442 Words   |  6 PagesParenting Since the early 1900s, homosexual people have become increasingly popular and greatly resisted. People that are homosexual face barriers placed upon them by the political system and society. Due to these challenges, homosexuals fought to have the same marital and parental rights as heterosexual people. Same-sex adoption is not prohibited in most states in the United States of America and many places worldwide. Family is not determined solely on blood relations and should be legalized in all parts

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